AI and condition monitoring
The rise of artificial intelligence is seen as particularly useful in the field of condition monitoring, enabling greater accuracy. [ + ]
5 things to consider before implementing a UPS
UPS systems play a vital role in the health of your control cabinet: consider these five things before implementing. [ + ]
Cybersecurity challenges in Australia's industrial sector: an urgent call for action
Australia, much like the United States and Canada, is facing significant challenges in protecting its critical infrastructure from cyber threats. [ + ]
TSN and SPE: forging open and unified industrial network architecture
In the age of Industry 4.0, network transformation plays a crucial role in driving digitalisation and intelligence in the industrial sector. [ + ]
Integrating standard signals into functional safety
Non‑binary signals such as analog inputs and encoder readings are very common and should be incorporated into safety programs. [ + ]
Advanced robotics in tomorrow's factory
Addressing the production challenges of complexity, customisation and openness. [ + ]
Use your energy twice
Heat recovery can significantly increase the efficiency of a compressed air system and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. [ + ]
Good for today, ready for tomorrow: how the DCS is adapting to meet changing needs
The future DCS will be modular and offer a more digital experience with another level of intelligence through AI. [ + ]
Get a handle on grippers
Selecting the best gripper technology for your industrial automation application. [ + ]
Five essential steps for a converged IT/OT SOC
Establishing a converged IT/OT security operations centre presents a unified front against threats to IT and OT assets while reducing overheads. [ + ]
The role of evaporation in treating challenging effluents
Evaporation is becoming increasingly popular as a way of effectively separating the liquid and solid waste streams. [ + ]
Minimising network downtime
Reduce downtime, enhance efficiency and increase sustainability with proactive monitoring. [ + ]
Choosing an infrared temperature sensor
There are a number of factors that need to be considered when selecting an infrared temperature sensor. [ + ]
Is smart manufacturing moving fast enough?
Manufacturers that embrace smart manufacturing can use those technologies to create a competitive edge, but this still isn't happening for many companies. [ + ]
AI and data science will lead the next Industrial Revolution
Are we there already? Or is AI just another buzzword that will soon pass? [ + ]